
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day 2 with Olivia Grace

Today we went back to the Civil Affairs Office and finished all the adoption paperwork on China's side of things. It went really well.

Olivia saw the orphanage ladies again and immediately began to light up and reach for them.

It made me feel good that they had taken such good care of her. You could tell they truly loved her and she loved them. When they left she really grieved. I believe because of them is why she is doing remarkably well.

She loves being with both me and Chris. But she is trying to figure out who we are.. This morning she got really upset when she woke up...its like she thought, "Why in the world are ya'll are still here?"

She will at times look away/stare at something and her little lip with quiver and she will get upset. She is grieving for those she has left behind.

She is an absolute HAM!! She loves to play little games with us!!

She LOVES congee. Actually, she loves any kind of food.

She is a BIG eater..She is going to fit right in!

She has the biggest smile...It lights up her whole face. She really loves to smile at her Daddy!!

These pics are from the Civil Affairs Office earlier:

This is us putting our fingerprints on the paperwork!

This is us putting her footprint on it!!!

This is the new family of five (Jack and Benjamin-We miss you so much)!!

This is just so ya'll know she can be fiesty and has a set of lungs on

The support and prayers we have received from the community and our family and friends are helping us each day!! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!



  1. Awwww...Bless it! I couldn't wait to check your blog this morning. Jamie, you guys are amazing. I can't wait to see how this journey unfolds. I am at a loss for words. Just know I am praying for all of you! I said a special prayer for Olivia. I asked that her little heart be mended as she leaves her caretakers and goes with her 'forever family'!! I prayed that the transition period be quick for all of you.
    I can see all the love in the pics!!
    May God Bless you as he has Olivia Grace with you!!

  2. Congratulations on your new precious daughter. Best wishes for a safe journey home. She is as lovely as can be!!

  3. Congrats on the changes in your family. It's so exciting- the future is full of wonderful things for you.

  4. Yay, congratulations on your newest blessing :) Sounds like she is doing so well... the best is yet to come!
    Happy Sunday :)
