
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Our Daughter

Our daughter has been home a month and a half....So much has happened...

We have adjusted so well and grown together as a family in such an amazing way.

Totally a God way!

Since we have been home Olivia has learned so much and bonded with all of us (especially her Daddy).

She now says Mama, No No, Hey, Bye Bye.  

She is babbling and trying to say new things everyday.

She has come a long way from not making any sounds in China. 

She is receptively understanding more and more each day!  Growing leaps and bounds receptively.

She loves to give kisses and puckers her lips in such a precious way..
I never want to forget when she looks at me and puckers her lips
and then grins the biggest grin after we kiss. 

She loves to give hugs.  She waves bye bye and blows kisses to everyone she meets. 

She loves to wink...especially at her Daddy, Uncle Andy or Brandon...She is such a flirt....It trips me out!!

She is an eater.. She will eat everything but some of her very favorite include goldfish, crackers, cantaloupe, grapes, blueberries, strawberries, chocolate (dont judge), mac 'n' cheese, and any kind of noodle.

She loves music.  She will dance and shake her her little booty whenever she hears music.
She is so sweet.  She's caring, loving, goofy, determined, strong, precious...I could go on and on...

She has had so many many first experiences..

Ice cream, first time at church, Bible School, many nights at the ball field,
Atlanta Braves game,
riding on the Gator every evening, boat rides on the lake,
New Orleans,  Stone Mtn., Georgia, visiting football stadiums with Daddy,
movies (Madea) with Mama's friends, popcorn, cake, fried okra, swimming,
going head first into the ocean and laughing about it,
cotton candy at the ball field....

She is doing so well!! Its like she has always been with us.   

People say all of the time how lucky she is.....

We (me, Chris, Jack and Ben) are the lucky ones...

She has brought us so much joy!
Thank you Lord for bringing our amazing daughter into our lives.

I am linking up with Sunday Snapshot at Ni Hao Ya'll!! Go take a look!!

Ni Hao Yall