
Friday, May 11, 2012

Face to Face

Wednesday night after church we got in the car and

Jackson said "Mama, I am soooo ready to see Olivia Grace FACE TO FACE."

"Me too"...I told him......

On one hand it feels like its never going to get here and on the other it feels like it will be here before we know it........

Everyone is asking when are you going....Truth is...... I dont know yet.....

We are waiting patiently (yeah right) for our Article Five pickup (which should be this week)

then we will officially be waiting on TRAVEL APPROVAL!!!

Hopefully in 4 weeks we will be on our way to China!!

And the next picture of my children in the bean field will have all of my children in it.....

and we can all be....  Face to Face!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It's so exciting- I will be anxiously waiting to hear more.
