
Friday, May 25, 2012

Cancer Sucks!!

I normally do not use that "s" word or any other "s" word!!

But this week my heart is heavy!! I am sad...I am mad....I hate it...Yep, I said it...I hate cancer!!.....

Cancer-Something terrible, horrible....something that makes you want to scream!!!!

Cancer impacts every single person in one way or the other....Everyone knows someone who has had to fight this disease..... Right now my aunt is going through it....

However, this post is about two young, amazing people:

One is about a man...

A boy I grew up with....A 32 year old man....father, brother, husband, son, friend....he passed away this week....he had cancer.....I remember him being so gentle, so soft spoken, so sweet to everyone....

and this week he is with Jesus...That is an awesome, amazing thing...He is no longer in pain!! Thank you Jesus!!

But it still hurts, it hurts and is almost unbearable to those that loved him the most.....He has 3 very young children and a wonderful family.

The next person is about my dear friend.....

He is also a man in his 30's....He is also a father, husband, brother, son, and so many!!! He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer....almost 2 1/2 years ago...He is a fighter....He has been through so much!! he is really struggling right now and is in the hospital...To see what cancer has done to his body is so hard to see....

When I see him, I think of all the basketball games, softball games, phase 10 games, sunday school activites....lots of memories......

I want us all to play cards and him accuse me of cheating!!! I want to see him get mad at a bad call at a game....I want to see his awesome 3 point shot....Our church group and friends have had so many fun times!!  Its just hard to see this wonderful family go through this....

It does suck...There is just no way around it...Even though I am human, I try so hard not to ask God why? But its hard......

I do know this....

God does not promise us tomorrow....Each day is a gift....he is the only one that knows why things happen!!  He has a plan for each of us....and its not for us to know exactly......

A preacher once said that when you get to Heaven.....if you could come back you would not want to would not want to leave that wonderful, amazing place.....

If you believe in Jesus and have accepted him as your Lord and Savior, Cancer can not win!!!

Cancer can not win!!!!  Even if you do not beat it on Earth, God and you definately kick its hiney when you meet him at the gates!!!

Picture that:  God kicking that cancer's hiney!! What a picture!!

I love that....I love God.... us who have to watch our loved ones suffer and go through this.....

It is still the "S" word!!!! 

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