
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 10 of being Thankful: Facing Fears

Today I finished my first half marathon!!! I knew I was in trouble when I went to pick up my packet and you could buy shirts that said, "Flat is for sissies."  I was like oh I am soooo in trouble.  I was like no really I am a sissy. I only signed up for this race about 3 weeks ago.  I had never ran farther than 9 miles... People kept saying, "Youv'e ran 9 miles, 13 will be a piece of cake."  Well, all I have to say about that is they were so WRONG!! From 9 to 13.l miles, I was in serious pain... I had two huge blisters on one foot but I was NOT stopping... I ran the whole way...Although I must admit that around mile 12 you probably were could walk faster than I was "running." 

But I did it... I just want to call my high school coach up and tell her!! Because I used to be the biggest whiner on the team about running!! I hated it....I wouldn't say I necessarily love it now....But I now have a new respect for all those track and cross country peeps!!

Jackson was so proud of me....He gave me the biggest and longest hug and said, "WOW Mom 13.1 miles....I am soooo proud of you."

That was worth every single mile!!!

This was something Jack was afraid of but wanted to face it anyways!!

Sunday Snapshot

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! My good friend just ran a half-marathon yesterday too. I'm very impressed because I just can't run, even though I would like to. Stinkin' asthma gets me every time. Put that 13.1 sticker on your car and be proud of it!
