
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 18 of being Thankful: Hilly

This is my cousin Hillary!! I just love her to pieces and so do my boys!!  Just Look!!

Binky loves his Hilly!!


This is her prom night!! They keep talking about how "pwetty"she was!!

She's just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside!!  When she was 9 years old she was my maid of honor in my wedding, now she's a college freshman!!

 I couldn't be more proud!!

We love you Hills!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 17 of being Thankful: Christmas Parade

Yesterday was our town's Christmas Parade and because Jackson was this year's Mighty Mite Homecoming King he got to ride on his own convertible.(provided by the homecoming queen's family)....He was beyond excited...The homecoming queen and Jackson looked adorable...I bought candy for them to throw so Jackson loved that....Here are a few pictures of the big day:

(These were taken by my phone camera....I have got to get a decent camera)

We went to the mountains yesterday and the boys picked out a tree and we had it cut down....They love actually picking a tree from a farm rather than a lot....Then we did the parade and then last night, the boys had their Christmas program at church...

So yesterday was CRAZY busy....but such a good day!!

Just so very Thankful for our day!!!!

Dear Santa, 

Jackson decided that all he wants for Christmas is Super Bowl Tickets!! HELP!! HELP!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 16 of Being Thankful: Football and Friends

Tonight I am thankful for Friday Night Football!! Tonight the high school that I work for and happened to also graduate from way back in 1997 WON a major football game.  It was the fourth round of the state playoffs and it was a huge game...We beat a team that was 13-0...We play for the state championship next Friday night at UNC....which just happens to be Jackson's 7th birthday!! He is beyond excited...He is a huge Charger fan and cant wait until every Friday night to go and watch the game...

We also go eat with some great friends before each away game and tonight was no different.....We had a ball and stuffed ourselves AGAIN!!! lol

We enjoy being together and love cheering our team on!!! They did great tonight and we are super proud to be going back for another championship!!! So Proud!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 15 of being Thankful: Dear Olivia...

Dear Olivia,

Today is Thanksgiving and you were so missed.  I pray you are well and the orphanage caretakers are taking good care of you.   Today I am truly thankful for you.  I am so very thankful that God worked in our hearts and opened the doors for us to be family.  I can not wait to hold you, kiss you, snuggle with you....So many can't waits....I love you with all my heart all the way from our small community called "New House."  Dont worry most people haven't heard of it...But we do have some good ole livermush....You will find out what that is one day..Your brothers cant get enough of it. 

We started the day off running the "Turkey Trot."  You will find out what that is soon enough.  Your Daddy said we may walk it next year and push you in the stroller.  We had lunch at Mawmaw's today and you were talked about.. You were prayed for today.  As I looked at my huge plate, I wondered what you were eating today. 

Jackson and Benjamin talk about you a lot....They can't wait to love on you.  They dont understand the process and why its taking this long.   The other day in the car your Daddy told me he thinks you will be a Daddy's girl.....Silly Daddy!!  He said, " I am just so ready to go and get my girl and bring her home."  He sure as come a long way!! Thank you,  Jesus!!

Olivia Grace-Happy Thanksgiving!!! We love you!!!

Your Mama, Daddy, and Brothers!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 14 of Thankfulness: Olivia's Doll and My Necklace

Okay!! I am soo sorry I haven't posted in a few days... SUPER BUSY!!! But that's no excuse...I promise I will post 30 things I am thankful for because...well...I am not a quitter!!  I said I would, so I will...

Today I received an awesome package in the mail!! I had ordered Olivia Grace a handmade baby doll for her birthday.. The lady who makes them is actually making them in the province Olivia's orphanage is in in China (the Hunan Province)...Its absolutely beautiful...amazing...awesome... Can you tell I LOVE it!!!

Here it is:

(I took this picture with my phone)

I have already put it in my china cabinet so the boys cant get a hold of it!!  I cant wait to give it to her!!

I also ordered a sterling silver charm and necklace made in China.  Here I am wearing it:

It says "Daughter" in Chinese!!

Every few minutes I kiss it....somehow praying that she will somehow feel my love, my kisses from across the world....

I am sad because she is not here for Thanksgiving...but happy to know this is her last Thanksgiving without us!!

I ordered these two awesome treasures from a company called Jiayin Designs:  Heres what their website says:

The Chinese word jiayin means “good and beautiful news.” What a wonderful way to describe when you first receive your child’s referral and see his or her face and read his or her Chinese name for the first time. Jiayin Designs was created to provide a lasting treasure of that good and beautiful news through custom sterling silver charms made by a jewelry artist in Beijing, China just for you. This artist hand cuts Chinese characters from a sheet of sterling silver and makes them into charms that are one of a kind and stunning.!!

Here is the link:

Go order something!!  You will NOT be disappointed!!!

Happy Thanksgiving EVE!!!


Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 13 of Being Thankful: Girls Night and Breaking DAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last night I went to the Breaking Dawn Premiere at 12:01AM!!!! I am normally a 9 hour asleep kind of girl!! So this was a step out of the good old comfort zone!!  About two years ago when my cousin was 16 she left the book, Twilight, at my house...After about two to three days of staring at it and thinking I was waaaaaay too old to read it...I opened it and thought, "What the heck."  The next day I went to the local bookstore and bought all of the Twilight Books....I read them all in about a week!! I couldn't believe it...I was HOOKED!!! I have went to the theater to see all of the movies but not the night it comes out....And not on a work night!!! I met several friends there.....We had an amazing time...We ate popcorn, candy, diet coke.... and laughed our hineys off!!!   I do have to admit it was so nice not to watch a G or a 3 D movie (although I do love those).....!!!

So even though I am about to fall over from the lack of sleep,  I am sooo thankful for my friends and the much needed GIRLS NIGHT!!!  The movie was awesome by the way!!!

Me and my boys!!!

They were so upset about not getting to go to the movies!!! Jackson said,"Mom, seriously, I LOOOVE Vampires!!!" 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 12 of Thankfulness: My Mama

Today I was to dedicate this post to my Mama!!! I am definately a mama's girl!! My mama has been through so much in her life and she has never given up.. She is tough as nails!!! She is amazing, beauiful, kind, smart, determined, tough, .....I could go on and on!!!  She is my best friend!!  I am super proud of her... She did everything for us as we grew up...She taught me I could be anything that I wanted to me....When she turned 40, she decided she would finally go to college and get her college degree.. Now she teaches high school history and is currently 54 years old.  And she is getting her masters degree....She is doing all of this and raising my nephew... I am thankful for her and everything she means to me...

Mama and Binky!!!

The boys ADORE their Mawmaw!!

I love you Mama!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 11 of Thankfulness: FINGERPRINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday, we had our fingerprint appointment!!! This is the last piece of the dossier we are waiting on!!! Now waiting on the lovely approval form!!  My husband and I had such a good time...After it we went to the Christmas Show....SHHHH dont tell any of his buddies!!  But let me tell you something friends...I have went almost every year to this HUGE Christmas show and spent pretty much all day..

Take a man, and you will be in and out in ONE hour!!!! But he was a great sport and we had a good time together!!! We even got some awesome Christmas presents for some special little people we know!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 10 of being Thankful: Facing Fears

Today I finished my first half marathon!!! I knew I was in trouble when I went to pick up my packet and you could buy shirts that said, "Flat is for sissies."  I was like oh I am soooo in trouble.  I was like no really I am a sissy. I only signed up for this race about 3 weeks ago.  I had never ran farther than 9 miles... People kept saying, "Youv'e ran 9 miles, 13 will be a piece of cake."  Well, all I have to say about that is they were so WRONG!! From 9 to 13.l miles, I was in serious pain... I had two huge blisters on one foot but I was NOT stopping... I ran the whole way...Although I must admit that around mile 12 you probably were could walk faster than I was "running." 

But I did it... I just want to call my high school coach up and tell her!! Because I used to be the biggest whiner on the team about running!! I hated it....I wouldn't say I necessarily love it now....But I now have a new respect for all those track and cross country peeps!!

Jackson was so proud of me....He gave me the biggest and longest hug and said, "WOW Mom 13.1 miles....I am soooo proud of you."

That was worth every single mile!!!

This was something Jack was afraid of but wanted to face it anyways!!

Sunday Snapshot

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 9 of Being Thankful: Blessings!!

These are pictures a wonderful member of my family did for us..... I just am so thankful for her and for these pictures...

Love Ben's Face in This one!

My ANGELS!! (Well Most of the Time)

 The boys love living on the Farm!!

Hopefully it wont be long before Olivia Grace will be with us!!

My Cup Runneth Over!!!


I missed yesterday's post because last night I went with some very awesome buddies to the Cheesecake Factory to eat some scrumptous cheesecake and to get our "pasta" on....because in officially 2 days (now 1) I will be running in my first HALF MARATHON!! Can i be honest?  I am flippin out!!! Have I ever run 13 miles at one time?  NOPE  Have I ever run a race longer than a 5K?  NOPE  Do I even really like running? NOPE  Why then you must ask am I putting myself through this?? We could blame it on baby weight, or over 30 weight, or just plain too much weight!! But the truth is I am a competitive person...However, when I run I could care less about anybody else's time, them beating me, me beating them, etc..... I am ultra competitive with myself... I push myself....I say things like... Can you do this, Jamie?  Do not stop and walk Jamie?  It doesn't matter if your about to throw up, DO NOT STOP Jamie!!!     Why am I like this?  HAVE NO IDEA!!!

But last night I was so very thankful for great friends who are going through this same craziness with me!!!


Thunder Road Ready or Not!!

This is us at our last crazy run called the Gauntlet!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 7 of Being Thankful: Our Small Town BIG Hero

Today I am thankful for a young man that I had never met.  He went to our local high school and graduated about 8 years ago.  Last week he was killed in Afganistan fighting for our country...He left behind a wife and many others that loved him.  Tonight I am thankful for him and the many others who serve our country everyday and who risk their life and sometimes die... for us....

I am also thankful to live where I do and very much proud to be an AMERICAN.   Today he was laid to rest....What was amazing was that during the funeral procession our community lined the streets and the highways.......Many had American flags in their right hands.....They had there left hand over their hearts.... Our community thanked him and saluted him today...Many had never met him but ALL were thankful for everything he did for us....Below is a picture of the streets today to honor this small town BIG hero.

We pray for his family during this time.... But what a way to go to HEAVEN!!! As a BIG TIME HERO!!! Can you imagine what God said to him when he got there???

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 6 of Being Thankful: A Connection Made!!!

I am thankful for what I do for a living... I am a Speech Language Pathologist and have been working now for 9 years.  I am so grateful to work where I what I do....I love my kids at school so much...They are amazing..

I work with this one little child who is autistic and I think he is just precious...

Today in class we read the story of Hansel and Gretel.... And after the stepmother made their father take them to the woods for the second time to leave them there (abandon them), he looked up at me (in the eye) and put his finger up to his forehead and said, "WOW...that lady has lost it...."

I have thought a lot about how this little guy who has autism...made the connection that someone, a parent had left them alone in the woods...had abandoned their children... this was unbelievable to him...was beyond thinkable to him....

He has been shown love...despite his "special need" he knows what family is, he knows what LOVE is!!!

I had an amazing day!! I am truly thankful!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 5 of Thankfulness: My Binky!!!

This post is for my Benjamin Eric!!! My Binky!! My booger butt!!!

Since day 1 he has been more...well shall I say it:  Challenging!! We have actually been called to come to daycare...They didn't know what else to do with him!!! I have heard of parents having to go to their child's school but not to daycare!!! He tells me all of the time, "Jamie Lynn, you dont tell me what to do." (with his hands on his hips).

He is independent, confident, stubborn, loving, caring, hard headed....and much more!!!  My mom loves to say "paybacks rough"...I have NO IDEA what she's talking

He has been working toward us getting him his very own umbrella...How does he earn it?  By not having an accident (in his pants) for a whole week... He finally earned it and got his own spider man umbrella this past weekend. .Today when I got home he was walking around with his umbrella open (inside the house) singing, "I am such a good boy."

   Have you ever seen a birthday boy attack his first cake this way?
Me either!!

       This look says it all!!!

Even with all of our drama with Benjamin....I am so very thankful God gave him to us and I get to be his Mama!!
 I Love you this much BINKY!  (my arms are spread out as far as they will go)

I am one lucky lady!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 4 of Thankfulness: Second Chances and Technology

Today is Orphan Sunday!!...I have to be honest.  Before we decided to adopt I never knew there was such a day!! So very sad on my part!! But once I found out I wanted to call my preacher and ask him if I could say something during preaching today and show this video...but I chickened out!!! I am so ashamed...I am not normally a chicken out kind of girl!! In Sunday School this morning we even talked about how we let our chances go by and sometimes we dont stand up and witness to people because we are either too scared or sometimes dont care enough... I can honestly say I let this chance pass me by because I was just too scared to ask... But with this blog and facebook, I hope I can have a second chance. I hope through technology enough people will see this video and it touches their heart...If they are thinking of adopting and just afraid to take the step of faith....maybe this will help them take that step...or maybe they will see this and sponsor a child....or maybe they will see this and they can pray for all of the orphans in the world... They surely need our prayers!! But I hope I can help get it out there and it touches YOU!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 3 of Being Thankful!! (Sunday Snapshot)

Tonight I am Thankful For This:

My boys love Olivia Grace....They love adoption....They want to help the orphans of the world...They can't wait to bring her home to the farm...They love their sissy already....

They have opened their hearts and their minds to something extraordinary!!!

As Jackson said, "Oh, Mama, My heart is WIDE opened!!!"

We love you Olivia!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 2 of Thankfulness: King Jack and Football

Today I am thankful for my Jackson, the Homecoming King!!  There are a million and one reasons why I am thankful for him. But for this post I am going to discuss one of his passions.  He absolutely LOVES football...He plays for his elementary school and we go every Friday night to watch our local high school play.  Tonight was the first round of the state playoffs (They Won)!! He is only six years old and the only thing he watches is ESPN.  He absolutely loves DVR so we can record all of the college and NFL games at the same time.  Right now he is watching Football Friday Night on TV to see who all won and who all didn't!!

Last weekend was Homecoming for his elementary game.  He is in the first grade and at his mighty mite game they named a homecoming queen and a homecoming king.. When they announced his name as the 2011 Homecoming King I wish you all could of seen his face... It was too FUNNY!!!  But what he was most proud of was his trophy he received.  It has a wobble head!!

What I really love is the time we get to spend together going to all of the practices and the games.  Last year for his birthday he wanted to go to a Clemson Football Game.  Just seeing how excited he became and how much fun he had made me so happy!!  We really enjoy being together and watching him do something he loves is just priceless.  I just pray the Lord keeps him safe... because I am afraid there is a lot more FOOTBALL in our future!!

Here is a picture of my King:

Thursday, November 3, 2011

30 Days of Being Thankful!!

Now that Halloween is behind us (Thank goodness).We have begun talking to the boys about how we need to be thankful everyday for what God has given us. So I am going to document 30 days of thankfulness...I know its November 3rd...But If you know me, you know I am always late!!! So here it goes:

Day 1:  I am thankful for my grandmother!! My mawmaw, Maxine!!! She is an amazing person!!

There are no words to even describe how much my Mawmaw means to me...She is the rock in our family.  She does so many things for her family.  She still cooks Sunday lunch every week...She simply adores her family.  She is an amazing mother, grandmother, great grandmother, wife, sister, and friend!!!

We love you Mawmaw Maxine!!  Thank you for everything!!